Astonishing To Know What Moves Me In The Right Direction?

what moves you in the right direction

Have you ever seen yourself doing something right, or has anyone told you that your actions are right? If yes! Have you ever thought about what made you do those things? Why is this important? It is essential because we need to know what inspires us to do the things we do so that we can do them again. You need to know what moves you in the right direction.

So, let’s dive deep, looking at it from another angle.

A bit and bridle are what move some animals in the right direction.

You see, many kinds of animals can be a ride in the world today, like horses, donkeys, elephants, camels, and others. And while it may be fun to ride these animals, getting anywhere without some way to control them would be tough.

You know that, for many animals, you can apply a bit and bridle to point them in the right direction.

As the Bible says, in Psalm 32:9, Do not be like a senseless horse or mule that needs a bit and bridle to keep it under control.

bit and bridle is apply to point direction

Image by Unsplash

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Are you having trouble controlling yourself?

You may feel the pressure of God’s discipline as He points you in the right direction. And this happens when you have trouble controlling yourself. The way God persuades you is not something you will like because His ways are not our ways.

I said that because the Bible says in the book of Isaiah 55:8. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.

You can also read a part of the Bible from Proverbs 25:28. A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.

Here is the solution to self-control

The discipline of God can come through spouses, parents, friends, or other authorities. But, when you choose to follow the Word of God and obey Him, He will keep you on the right path because I have experienced it.

For when Jesus appeared to Peter, James, John, his brother, and other disciples of Jesus. They caught nothing all through the night. But as Jesus appeared to them, He asked, “Do you have any fish? They answered No, and He said to them cast your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you will find some fish. John 21:3-6

That is why the word of God says the Lord is the way, truth, and life John 14:6. If you meditate on it day and night and obey everything on it, you will prosper Joshua 1:8.

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Here is the word of the Lord in the book of Matthew 11:28. Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Do you want to enjoy the best in this life? You need the word of God. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path Psalms 119:105

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Restrain your feet from every evil way, and you will keep the Word of the Lord. Psalms 119:109
So, let me ask you if bits and bridles provide animal direction. Then what kinds of things could be like “bits and bridles” for people?


Suppose you feel the pressure of God’s discipline. Then it means you are having trouble controlling yourself.

I asked you some questions in the first paragraph above. Because whatever made you do those things; is what moves you in the right direction. And if you keep following that, you will remain in the right direction.
So I recommend you seek the Lord, who will lead you in the right direction.

Thanks for reading!

I would love to hear from you and let me know your opinion on this topic. If there is something; you want me to talk about and share my thought on, feel free to email me and remain blessed.


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