This Week’s Top Stories About Need To Repent Of Your Sinful Ways

need for you to repent

The call to repentance is for who? This article will discuss our need to repent from our sinful ways. So if you want to know why you and I must repent from our sinful ways, keep reading.

It is a common belief among the Jews; that calamity or disaster manifests sin(s) committed by the person or the parents. As the disciples of Jesus asked him, why was this man born blind? Was it because of his sins or the sins of his parents? (Ref John 9:1-2). So, it likely was with those who came to report the scene in Luke 13:1-9 to Jesus.

How to know you have sinned

But come to think of it, how do you know you have sinned? Because according to the Jews and most of you reason in this way. I want to tell you that no one is righteous, not even one, according to the book of Romans 3:10. I will give you the answer from the word of God. Romans 3:20 says, For no one can ever be right with God by doing what the law commands. The law only shows us how sinful we are.

Let me ask you another question, how did you feel when you sinned? You confess your sins to God. The book of Psalms 38:18 says, But I confess my sins; I am so sorry for what I have done.

The call to repent is for who?

Before I go into that, you need to know what repentance is about. I want you to know that repentance is a gift from God. Like the book of Romans 2:4 says, Do you not see how kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Can you not see that his kindness intends to turn you from your sin?

Now let us see the call to repentance is for who? Before I get to the answer, I want to tell you that not everyone is to repent. Yes! See Luke 5:32here are the words of Jesus as the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained to the disciples of Jesus. Jesus responded that He had come to call the sinner, not the righteous. 

It presents a good moment in teaching Jesus about the need for everyone to repent. His response, “Do you suppose they were guilty….?” does not imply those affected by the disasters had no sin.

Related: Change Your Hearts And Receive Salvation

Now you will want to know what repentance brings!

Before I go into that, I want to tell you that repentance goes with forgiving sins. Yes! Luke 24:47 says; It has written that this message would have proclaimed, in the authority of the name of Jesus to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: ‘there is forgiveness of sins for all who repent.’

Now, what does repentance bring? Repentance brings joy, peace, and spiritual growth; most, it brings no regrets, let us see 2 corinthians 7:10.

Now that you know what repentance brings, Now is the right time to talk about salvation. You may be asking what you must do to have saved. I will give you three simple steps to have saved.

three simple steps you must take to Have saved

1) Repent from your sins

2) Be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost

3) Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead in Acts 2:38.

Yet, the salient message is that all need to repent. The parable Jesus gives us today further clarifies that His focus was on repentance. The fruit expected from the vine (the house of Israel, Ref Isaiah 5) is repentance.

Related: How You Would Have Saved

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The reasons why you need to repent from your sinful ways

1) God is eager to relent and not punish. Joel 2:13

2) God will bless you when you repent from your sinful ways. Joel 2:14

3) God will restore all you have lost in the past. Joel 2:25

What happens when you repent?

Now I know you will be asking what happens when you repent. Moreover, when you turn from your evil ways and seek God, there is great joy in heaven. Yes! As Jesus illustrates, the parable of the prodigal Son is in Luke 15:11-32. So what happens when you repent? Here is the answer! The heavens rejoice over your life as you repent and returns to God than ninety-nine righteous ones who have not strayed away! Luke 15:7


Unfortunately, the people of God were not yielding to the message of repentance preached by Jesus Christ. Perhaps, they felt they were sinless. Some of them, particularly the leaders, had a holier-than-thou attitude and so ignored the message of Christ.

Let us heed the teachings of Christ and also come to repent from our sins so we may experience the salvation he offers to us.


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