How Star of Bethlehem Reveals Three Types of People in Today’s World

How Star of Bethlehem Reveals Three Types of People in Todays World

Are you among those who look for the star of Bethlehem? And if yes! What does the star of Bethlehem mean to you today? Also, have you found Him? Why is this important? It is important because I believe that this star of Bethlehem revealed three types of people in today’s world. And that is what we are focusing on today.

So, in this content, you will be learning about the three types of people that the star of Bethlehem revealed to us.

So, here are three types of people

  1. Those who have found God and serve Him;
  2. Those who have not yet found God but continue to seek Him;
  3. And those who neither seek nor find Him

Here we come across all these groups of people in Matthew 2:1-12. And we still find them even in our daily lives today.

Those who have found God and serve Him

Those who have found God and serve Him wholeheartedly include Mary, Joseph, and others. And this group of people is those who have to find out the will of God in their lives. They keep His word and allow God’s will to manifest in their lives. Also, these people never ceased to look up, not to any star, but to the Maker of the stars.

Those who have not yet found God but continue to seek Him

The Magi, kings or wise men represent the second category. Meanwhile, this group of people is those who have not found God in their lives but continue to seek Him. They are in search of God. Moreover, these people left their status, comforts, and privileges and followed the stars to seek and find the star of Bethlehem, and they found Him in a manger.

Those who neither seek the star of Bethlehem nor find Him

Herod represents the third category of the people. And they are the type of people who pretend to seek God, but deep down in their hearts, they are not. Like Herod, the birth of Jesus Christ (star of Bethlehem) disturbed him, and he was tortured by suspicion and fear. For instance, like most of us today, your progress disturbs this kind of people, who will do anything to stop your progress, your life and others. Most importantly, they are the type of people that rely on their power and strength to safeguard their thrones and positions in life.

So, my question to you now is;

In your daily life, do you look at the stars or the Maker of the stars? Also, do you allow the will of God to manifest in your life? Finally, do you rely on your power and strength as Herod did?

In conclusion

So, let’s learn to pray as the magi did. In that way, we, too, may seek and find the living God who will transform our lives. And also make us His own.

Thanks For Reading!

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