How Knowing The Holy Spirit Will Make You Courageous


Have you ever struggled with being courageous? Was it a good experience? I guess not. But don’t you think you need the Holy Spirit to be courageous? It is important because whatever you want, you can achieve with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Why is it so? Because courage is one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. This means that you have to know who the Holy Spirit is.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit is a person that came from the Father so that we may know and understand the [excellent] free things that God gave us (1 Corinthians 2:12 AMP).

Do you know the things given to you by God? Because when the Holy Spirit is in you, you will realize and understand the items of baggage God gave you.

As Jesus said to his disciple, I will ask the Father to send you another Comforter that will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive. Because the world does not know Him, but you know Him because He lives in you.

Hey, stop there! I don’t know what you are going through right now or the circumstances that you found yourself in. I want you to know that Jesus sent you a comforter who is always there with you.

Have you recognized Him? Do you know He exists? He is living in you, talking to you. Do you listen to Him and do what He says? If No! Why not give him a listening ear, for I know He has incredible things for you.

That disease doctor says, cannot be cured. Be courageous. And know that the Heavenly Father works in your body, your situations, and that condition. Nothing is impossible with He.

What The Holy Spirit Does For You

What the Holy Spirit do for you?
Image by Edwin Andrade

The best thing you must do for yourself is; to trust the Lord, who will fulfil all your heart’s desires. And remember that Jesus said this same Holy Spirit; will remind you of everything I have taught you. John 14:2

He also helps us with our weaknesses. When you do not know what to pray for, the Holy Spirit intercedes on your behalf.

Having hope will give you courage. God will protect you, and you rest in safety. (Job 11:18)

It helps you overcome obstacles that keep you from professing and practising your faith.

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What do you want the Holy Spirit to do for you?

What is it that you want to ask God in your prayers, but you cannot alter the word? The Holy Spirit is here to assist you in all your weaknesses. The weakness of not being courageous? Do you think that you cannot achieve that business goal of yours? Trust Him.

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He is here to intercede for you. Or in anything you choose to do in life, Be courageous, and I tell you He is always there with you. And He also searches your hearts to know the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people by the will of God.

Like Moses told the Israelites in Deuteronomy 31:6. So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid, and do not panic. For the Lord, your God, will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.


If the Holy Spirit is from the Father! And through the Spirit, you will know the things God the Father has given to you. Then it is necessary to know that; to be courageous in all you do in life, you need the Holy Spirit.

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