Excited To Know If Your Spiritual Leaders Lead By Example?


Now, please think about what is going on in our world today. See if your leaders (political and Church leaders) are representing you. Apart from that, do they lead by example?

You see, the reason I asked you to think about this is! Because our political and Church leaders are after their interests.

Some of our church leaders are the worst because they have a master to who they should be accounting. Instead, they are after their interests and do not follow the word of God.

Why is it important to lead by example? Please keep reading to know why as we dive deep. First, you need to know the work of your spiritual leaders.

What is the work of your Church leaders That Lead By Example?

  1. It is to serve God.
  2. To be a shepherd to the people of God
  3. Another is to protect the people of God

1. One Of The Works Of Church leaders Is To Serve God.

Now let us be honest here. I want you to know that these Church leaders are human beings like you and me. And that they are bound to make mistakes. But they are there to lead by example, that’s for sure.

They are to serve God as you do. But I discovered that their followers now see these Church leaders as God instead of seeing them as their fellow humans whom God is using.

I want to let see the book of Exodus 34:14 amp. Says, for you must not worship any other god; for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

As I said above, they are bound to make mistakes. But may I ask you one question? Does it mean that if they make this mistake, you join them in making the same mistake?

I do not know about you. For me, the answer is no. Because Jesus made you and me know in Matthew 15:14 says, do not worry about them! They are blind leaders of the blind, and when one blind man leads another, both fall into a ditch.

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2. The second work of the church leaders that lead by example is to be a shepherd to the people of God.

church leaders
Spiritual Leaders

The second work of your church leaders is to be your shepherd. But if I may ask you again, what is the work of a shepherd?

Let me give you the answer: a shepherd’s work is to guide the people. The job of your church leaders is to direct you to the right path and lead you to God, not take you away from God.

As you can see in the book of 1 Peter 5:2 NLT. Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it with pleasure, not grudging, not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.

And that brings me to this aspect of church leaders who are to bring people closer to God. As you read above, God has entrusted these people to you.

3. Another work is to protect the people of God As a leader that leads by example.

I can’t stop emphasizing this because you should know they must protect you from harm (spiritual danger). That should be the most important thing.

Now let me explain myself here. I am saying this because the bible said so in the same book, 1 Peter 5:2 Amp. That they should shepherd and guide and protect the flock of God among you. Which means that they are to protect you.

As a church leader, how do you protect the people God has entrusted you?

Related: Our World Needs Leaders Whose Interest Is Not Personal But Communal

There are a few ways to Protect the People God has entrusted you.

1. One of them is to give them sound teachings, not doctrines.

What I mean by sound teaching is teaching the people God’s commandments. Whatever you teach the people must come from the Holy Bible because that is the manual God gave us. And it is our manual guide.

Can I ask you one question? After buying electronics, do you start using the electronics without going through the manual guide? I guess not! Because you need to follow the guidelines of the manufacturer.

Why are you following the guidelines of the manufacturer? I guess you follow their guidelines: to use the product well and for the product to last long.

Holy Bible

It is the same thing. Your life is the product, the Holy Bible is your manual guide, and the manufacturer of your life is God. So, to live your life to the fullest, you need the Holy Bible.

Let us see God’s instruction to Joshua in chapter 1:8 NLT. Says Study this Book of Instruction always. Meditate on it day and night, so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you PROSPER and SUCCEED in all you do.

The word of God is the final say, which means whatever God says stands.

So the Spiritual/church leaders will give you sound teachings from the Holy Bible (Word of God). Anything outside that is from the pit of hell.

2. Another Way is To Protect The People From Harm/Danger

Coming to this second part, their job is to protect you from danger. Let me explain. For instance, you have a problem with your spouse, and it is a serious one that may lead to divorce. But you do not want it and do not know who to run to for advice but your man of God. Now, I guess you expect to get a solution from your spiritual leader! Right? But what if you get to your spiritual leader, and the reverse is the case? What do you do?

That is what I am talking about. When people bring their problems to you, you must protect them from falling into the enemy’s trap (the Devil). And that is to advise them based on God’s word (Holy Bible).

For instance, If you as a parent discover that one of your children is into homosexuality. But you did not like it because it is against your Christian faith. And you go to your spiritual leader for help, but he tells you to allow your child to do whatever they want. Now my question to you is; what does the Holy Bible say about homosexuality?

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Let us see what the Word of God says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NLT. 9 Do you not realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, worship idols, commit adultery, male prostitutes, and practice homosexuality. Ten are thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusive, and people who cheat; none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.

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When your spiritual leader tells you to let your child become a homosexual, the bible says otherwise. Now see for yourself if your spiritual leader is directing you based on the word of God.

Church/Spiritual Leaders Should Lead by Example

God shepherd should lead by examples.
Image by Diana

First, I will say that if you have sinned against God, it is never too late to seek him. The time is now because tomorrow might be too late. I know this because He said so in Isaiah 1:18-20, AMP. “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool. “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

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Then the second thing is. Leaders are representatives of the people. To a great extent, their lives affect the whole community. Sound leadership produces qualitative followership. At the same time, corrupt leadership is permissive to vices in the followers. The leaders in Israel drowned as they were in sin and led the people to sin.

Thus, it is not out of place to point out that the Lord directed his invitation to repentance in the above Scriptures as He spoke to the crowds in Matthew 23:1-2. The Lord reminded the people of the position of leadership held by the Pharisees. He charged them to listen to their instructions but never acted like them.


My take on this is that you study the Holy Bible for yourself. Bring out some time to; study and meditate on the word of God. The best way is to read a part of it every morning before praying.

If you are a leader that people cannot follow, you are not a leader. The message is clear, and leaders must lead by example worthy of emulation.

Thanks for reading

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