Do You Know The Prayer That Moves God?

what moves the heart of God

What is it that moves the heart of God? It is your emptiness. How do you feel when you are in the presence of God? Do you feel empty, or are you full of your achievements?

The Pharisees do in the Book of Luke 18:11, “Says, The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed, ‘I thank you, God, that I am not greedy, dishonest, or an adulterer, like everybody else. I thank you that I am not like that tax collector over there.”

Do you know what moves God is the way you pour out your heart to Him? Just like the Tax collector who presents only his misery and his sins. Sirach 35:16-17 “Says, He whose service is pleasing to the Lord will be accepted, and his prayer will reach the clouds. And the prayer of the humble pierces the clouds.”

So, What Moves God?

You experience God’s saving power only when you release your emptiness before Him. However, the Pharisee is an honest and law-abiding man. But his mistake lies in coming before God with his cup full of achievements, imagining that he merits God’s justification. Thus, he remains selfish, disregarding others just as many do.

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But the tax collector, as we read above, has no good works to show for it. But the good thing is that he comes before God realizing that his cup is empty and begging to have it filled. It draws the mercy of God into his heart.

However, do you feel about the things you have or the good things you do? Do you sense that it’s all your hard work, or do you perceive it’s by merit? No matter how much good you do, you must remember that it is all a gift from God, not a thing of your achievement.

So, thank you for reading this blog. Also, it will be lovely if you comment and share with your friends and families, stay blessed.


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