Do You Know The Holy Ghost Is Without Measures? Acts 5:32

Do you know the Holy Ghost is without measures?

Do you ever wonder if the Holy Ghost is in you? Then you are on the right blog! Why this is important? Because we can not live a truly Christian life without the Holy Spirit. The Bible made us know that “We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Ghost that God has given to those who obey Him.” (Acts 5:32) 

I also want you to know that the Holy Spirit living inside us witnesses to us the living presence of Jesus in us.

Here is how to know the Holy Ghost is in you

We know the Holy Ghost is in us because we experience His inspiration and power working in us. Also, in our common everyday experience, we congratulate someone on an accomplishment and you hear: “To God be the glory.” Or some similar affirmation. Moreover, the Holy Spirit reminds us constantly what God is doing in our lives and thereby help us to live a joyful life. (Psalm 118:23; John 14:26).  

Also, the Holy Spirit will make you succeed in life.

Moreover, the Holy Spirit will make you courageous.

So, the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead. He’s a personal being. He is God living in and among those who believe. And He gives comfort. He is the source of truth. 

This new way of living came about because Abba Father raised Jesus from the dead and “exalted Him at His right hand as Leader and Savior to grant Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins.” (Acts 5:31) 

The Holy Spirit helps us worship God in Spirit and in truth because God is Spirit. (John 4:23-24) 

You must know that God does not ration His gift of the Holy Spirit.  

So, thank you for reading this blog post. And I hope this adds value to you. Please help us reach more people by sharing it with your friends and family.


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