As a Leader: Bravery to Know I Can Create Miracle In My Life?

Be a Leader

Do you think you can create a miracle in your life? Yes, of course. You can do that as a leader! It is essential to know that you must be brave to achieve this mission of creating a miracle in your life.

Do you want to be a leader? Or have you seen yourself leading a set of people without knowing what you are in for?

You see, I discovered that the number one trait among successful people is leadership! Whether you lead an organization, company, or nation, it doesn’t matter. What matter is that you are in front of the crowd. Whatever your goal is, you must take the initiative and lead the people.

You know that Jesus was a poor boy from a small town whose father was a carpenter. No one would have expected Jesus of Nazareth to become a leader. The question n is, how did Jesus become the preeminent leader, with over one billion followers?

What Do You Need To become a leader?

1. You need no credentials

You see, you don’t have to wait until you get credentials before you Preach the Gospel like Jesus. He did not wait until he gathered a professional certificate before he preached the gospel.

Related: Leaders Must Set Good Examples Worthy Of Emulation

2. You don’t need to buy or inherit it

Jesus demonstrated that leadership is not an attribute you buy or inherit. This leadership is a character trait, and it is something you cannot see. It is an invisible quality that comes from within you.

What is leadership?

Is the ability to influence others

Leadership is the ability to influence others as Jesus did. He convinced twelve men to follow him with nothing more than a powerful message. And the strength of his character. Most of them already had a job and families. But decide to leave everything and follow Him. A true leader inspires. I discovered you could succeed in your business, career, and life. You need to follow the example and lead of Jesus Christ. Remember that you can immediately accumulate money, earn a degree, or gain any symbol outside yourself.

How to create miracles in your life as a leader

Take the initiative

In other words, taking the initiative is the secret to creating your miracle. No more than Jesus did, He only assumed his leadership role by stepping and declaring, “Follow Me.” (Matthew 4:19)

As A Leader, What do you need to create miracles in your life

What you need are the same thing Jesus started with, which are: a mission, purpose, and plan.

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When you commit to achieving your dreams, you unleash Powerful forces. If you believe in your mission and have a purpose greater than yourself, others will follow you. That is a fact.

Related: Our World Needs Leaders Whose Interest Is Not Personal But Communal


My final take on this is that if you hear your calling, please don’t ignore it. I know you have everything it takes to lead at your workplace, community, or school, don’t wait or ask for permission or worry about what others will think of you.

Remember that even Jesus Christ was not recognized as a prophet in His hometown. I want you to be courageous enough to take charge right now. Assume a leadership role, and others will follow. Remember to lead by example because that also is the key to success.

I hope this helps. Stand your ground and be the best God has made you be. I wish you the best in your journey.


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