5 Ways Of Reckoning Almighty God Could Get Your Life Back

Valuing God could get your life back

In today’s world, most people don’t know who Almighty God is; because they don’t value God. That is why they don’t trust God.

I want to let you know how vital reckoning with Almighty God is because it will change your life and how you see God. Sorry, I will ask you too many questions as we proceed because I need you to think about these things.

Let’s See why Reckoning Almighty God is not an option

I want you to know that God is not an option. Because the way I see people do things makes me think they see God as an option.

Whatever you call Him is what He will be to you. So, if you want to live this life to fullness, He is ever ready for you. Why? Because I see people believe what the doctor said more than what God said.

Do you believe humans whom God made or the ones that created humans? He created the universe that you and I live in today. He also created science and gave men and women wisdom.

Let me ask you something. Can you think about these for a moment? Why do men and women in higher positions worldwide, despite all their educations? Both those in politics, and science, you can name them still, make mistakes that can cause the loss of lives today.

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Here are The Reasons You Need To Value God

The answer is simple. Because we are humans, you and I are under the command of one power: the power of God. You are alive today, not of your own making. To give the final answer from the word of God, the manual guide we have. Let’s see the book of 1 Corinthians 1:27-28. God decided to choose what the world considers NONSENSE to shame the WISE. And He also chose what the world thinks is WEAK to shame the POWERFUL. He picks what the world LOOKS DOWN ON and DESPISES and considers to be NOTHING. To destroy what the world thinks is IMPORTANT.

I want you to know that he is everything; since He is everything, you can do nothing without Him. That is why when people tell me these things. I nod because they lack the word of God as the bible says in Hosea 4:6, My people perish for the lack of knowledge.

What knowledge is He talking about, the understanding of the word of God?

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Now Let’s see 5 Ways Reckoning Almighty God Could Get Your Life Back.

1) Almighty God should be Your Number one Priority.

Seek and value God

In this aspect, you must make Almighty God the top priority in all you do. Moreover, you seek His will in whatever you do because His plan is always perfect.

You want to achieve something in this world. First and most emphasized. Seek God first, and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

2) You Should Value His Word.

who is a Christian
Seek His word

How often do you value God’s Word in your daily life? Or do you see God’s Word as foolish?

You see, reading and studying His word is one of the ways that show you value God. When temptation that frightens comes your way, what do you do? Because what you do matters a lot.

First of all, the temptation will bring fear in you, and you will be so afraid. When matters like this happen, the best thing to do is to seek God’s word and know what He has promised.

The next thing to do is begin to declare that word of His. Stand on the promises of God, and you will see the situation turn around because He is faithful to His word.

Do you know why? Because the Word of God will be a LAMP to your feet and a LIGHT to your Path. (Psalms 119:105)

Related: What Is The Word Of God?

3) You Should Value His Power in Your Life.

Image by Amos From

Hmmm! Now let’s get into the matter. Talking about valuing the power of God in your life, do you merit the Power of God in your life?

Yes, you ought to Value His power because He is the creator of everything. He chooses whom to bless. For instance, you want wealth or happiness. You have to seek these things through God, not through other means.

Because when you believe He has the power to make whatever you want in this life, He will make you that.

And when He knows that you value/reckon His Power. The power will start to work in your life. That is why He made you know that.

He blesses His people while they are asleep. (Psalms 127:2)

Holy Bible

Related: The Lord Gave Power To Us

4) You Should Give God Your Time.

Image by Naassom Azevedo

In this aspect, we all are guilty of this act. Before I continue, I would like to ask how much time you give God daily.

I say these out of experience. I see many people bring out time to chat about something for about one hour or more but never for the things of God, like prayer, evangelism, and discussing God and His wonders in our lives.

When is the time to pray they will be in a hurry to leave? When it is time to go to church, they will be there very late without feeling guilty.

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Even on Sundays, they still pursue their interest by selling and buying. And some, even, because of football matches, will not attend church.

Leave the Sabbath Day Holy for the Lord. (Isaiah 58:13)

Related: 4 Things To Consider When Talking To God In Prayer

5) You Should Trust God.

Image by Tony Eight Media

Trust, trust, trust. I can never stop emphasizing this.

This part is significantly related to number two above. Do you trust God in that situation?

As Abraham did, he trusted God even in his old age; he still believed in God for the gift of a child. And because of that trust, God blessed him with a child and made him a blessing to his unborn generation.

My question is, in the things you are going through today, do you believe that God can turn things around for you?

Those who trust Him are like mount Zion that can never be moved. (Psalm 125:1)

Related: Fear Is Useless; What Is Needed Is Trust


Putting God first, valuing His word and power, bringing time for Him, and trusting Him will change your life! Then it is essential to know that He is all you have. He is not an option. Because He is everything you have got to live an abundant life.

Thanks for reading!

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